Frequently Asked Questions

What can be expected after a dog is treated with ReGum™ Vet?
The healing process will be notable, even within three months, leading to periodontal tissue repair.
Why use ReGum Vet?
As the primary mode of apprehension, preservation of teeth is of utmost importance to maintain healthy body condition as well as overall well being.
Additionally, unhealthy gums are an open door for bacteria and germs to enter the bloodstream in pets. If untreated, periodontal disease can have severe health implications not only on the dog’s mouth but the entire body as a whole. Some of these health issues include tooth abscesses, oronasal fistulas, oral cancer, jaw fractures, increased risk and exposure to organ damage. Clinical studies also show a link between untreated periodontitis to cardio/kidney/liver disease.
Is there any special post-operative care and medications needed with ReGum Vet?
No. Owners should follow standard instructions after the dental procedure.
Does a pet need to be anesthetized to use ReGum Vet?
Anesthesia is standard care for periodontal procedures.
Does a pet need pre-anesthesia blood analysis before using ReGum Vet?
No special need, however, please consult with your veterinarian.
What are the signs of oral health problems in a pet?
The most common sign is halitosis, while other symptoms can include hypersalivation, periodontal disease, oral irritation, oral masses, and missing or avulsed teeth.
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